
It's Been A While

Sorry I haven't posted in so long. There's been a lot going on, but I've been sort of down in the dumps lately. Trying to eat healthier (I break my diet every, single day), trying to read more (I'm working more instead), trying to knit more (well...at least I'm doing that), trying to exercise more (does chasing Elodie count?).

I DO have content, but it's not here. It's on my memory stick that I can't find. Lined up is half a shawl, a finished sock, a finished hat and a mitten. Spinning-wise, I have cobweb-weight silk and 4 oz of fibre. Somewhere...

Check back tomorrow by which time I will have completed a whirlwind search of the house to find my content and posted it.


Annie said...

woo hooooooo.. content, where are you? i need pix. ;)

knititch said...

thanks for posting on my blog. funnily enough i have a great big branch of my family in alberta. they moved their many many years ago and my cousins speak danish even though they never lived here.

Jocelyn said...

Hi sweets, I'm sorry you're in a funk :( I think you're fabo and a very generous person.

Will yo come to Make 1 tuesday? I brought you a little something from NY (not cashmere, sorry. There was nothing that screamed Kayla).
