Sorry for the extended radio silence. It's been a really, really busy few months.
My best friend, who has been my best friend for nearly 20 years, is expecting her first baby in February. Not only do I get to be her doula, and watch her make the amazing transformation from woman into mother, but I also get to be an auntie!! YAY! I love her very much, and am so, so excited to meet her little one. She's going to be one heck of an awesome mama.
So anyway, she found out she's having a boy, and I broke out the knitting needles. You should see my Ravelry queue.
After seeing the beautiful Puerperium Cardigan that the Yarn Harlot did, I decided to cast one on myself. Of course, I got a little loopy right in the beginning and put my darn markers on in the wrong order (meaning backward, if you can believe it), and so the cardigan closes on the opposite side, and the buttons are on the front, not the back. *sigh*. You would think after half a decade of very dedicated knitting, I would have learned to count??
But you know what, the baby isn't going to mind. Next up, Demne. Also, I found a new use for my Touchpad.