

I've got nothing. It's been a month, that's for sure. Since coming home from Denmark, we've been rather tight on cash since I didn't work for three weeks last month. Add to it the stress of the holidays and our rabbit Willow passing suddenly and you have a stressed out family.

Willow, our dear bunny, passed a few weeks ago, as I said. It wasn't unexpected, but just surprising. He was a very old rabbit, eight years, and his health had been deteriorating over several months. Robbie and I have been dealing with it fairly well, but Elodie is still very confused about where Willow went. We've tried to explain that he's in a better place (she wants to go to a better place, too, apparently), that he was sick and died (now she's worried that she's going to die because she's sick), and that he's gone to live with Nan (when's he coming back?).

For what it's worth, Willow was a great rabbit with lots of personality. The first time I held him, he unbuttoned three buttons on my shirt and attempted to undo my jeans button. I promptly accused Robbie (who I was not yet dating) of training his rabbit. He would make houses for himself out of blankets, adored carrots and would knock your hand over for attention.

He had silky-smooth fur and his eyes were both half blue, half brown. When you scratched between his ears, his eyes would slowly droop until he was fast asleep.

Christmas knitting is going forth steadily, hence the lack of pictures. Half my recipients read the blog (I think), and so I can't exactly go touting the amazingness of me on the blog with their presents displayed for all to see. Trust me. The amount of knitting is startling.

In happy news, my cousin Martin and his wife, Rikke, shown previously in this post, are the proud new parents of a 8.5 pound baby girl! I wish them all the best!

A little plug here before I bid you all adieu. The Natural Bardo is creating the most beautiful laptop holders. If anybody is looking for a unique and functional piece of art for your desk, check these out. They'd make great Xmas presents, too, for that hard-to-buy-for someone. Don't I know someone like that...

Finally, folks, I must get back to work. This recession thing sucks, but I get paid in American dollars. So there's something to owning your own business and having the Canadian dollar plumet suddenly. The more I work, the bigger my "bonus" when I head to the bank to cash the check. Definitely appreciated.

(EDITED TO ADD: Keep knittinggrammy and her husband in your thoughts. Her hubby had quite a fall, and he's going to be off his feet for a long, long time. If anybody knows of any patterns for a cast cover, send them along to her.)


granolagirl said...

Aw so sweet - thanks so much!
Email me what you would like painted on yours!

RIP little willow!

Mary said...

Sorry to hear about your rabbit. He's cute!